Amendments of Romanian Fiscal Code in 2025

by Florin Gherghel, Tax Manager Ensight Finance
The Romanian Fiscal Code was modified in 31.12.2024 and the below main amendments are applicable starting with the next day, 01.01.2025, as Emergency Ordinance 156/2024 was published in 31.12.2024 in the Official Gazette.
1. Dividend tax
The dividend tax has increased to 10% (from 8%) for dividends distributed after 01.01.2025, regardless of the year when the profits were obtained.
The new dividend tax is applicable to dividends distributed to Romanian legal entities, Romanian natural persons, non-resident Romanian natural persons / legal entities.
The exemptions / reductions based on EU Directive / Double Tax Treaties are applicable.
The dividend tax of 8% for interim dividends distributed in 2024, to be settled in 2025, is not changed.
2. Micro-enterprise income tax
The turnover for applying micro-enterprise tax regime has decreased to EUR 250.000 (from 500.000 EUR), based on 2024 revenues. From 2026, the turnover will be decreased to EUR 100.000, based on 2025 revenues.
The threshold of consultancy / management revenues out of total revenues is no longer applicable.
New NACE codes are eligible for 3% micro-enterprise tax: 6210 – software; 6290 – information technology activities, 5611 – restaurants, 5612 – public food activities, 5622 – other food services.
3. Salary tax
The facilities granted to salaries of employees of IT / constructions / agriculture companies are repealed starting with January 2025 salaries, which are subject to undiminished social contributions.
Starting also with January 2025 salaries, the non-taxable amount of RON 300 RON /month is maintained for which no income tax is due and is not included in the monthly base of mandatory social contributions, if the following conditions are cumulatively met:
- the level of the basic monthly gross salary established according to the individual employment contract, without including increments and other additions, is equal to the level of the minimum gross salary per country, respectively RON 4,050;
- if the total gross income does not exceed the value of RON 4,300.
4. Tax on special constructions
A tax of 1% is introduced again for the value of special constructions (mentioned in group 1 “Constructions” of the catalogue regarding fixed assets) recorded in accounting as of 31 December of the previous year (the buildings for which building tax is due are not taken into consideration).
The tax is due by Romanian legal entities and Romanian permanent establishments of foreign companies.
The tax on special constructions is paid in 2 equal installments until 30th of June, respectively 31st of October and 2025 tax must be declared until 25th of May 2025.