International Taxation of Real Estate Investments

Global commercial real estate investments reached in 2019 an all-time high of USD 800bn as investors continued to seek out the solid return and relative stability of the asset class. Despite the corona crisis we do not await major changes in the attractiveness of real estate assets, especially due to the fact that the spending policy of national budget “stabilize” the low interest environment and the bottleneck of valid investment opportunities. In parallel the deficit spending increases the importance of taxation for the fiscal authorities. Therefore tax issues related to real estate remain crucial.
We hope this Real Estate Investment Guide prepared by WTS Global, the international network of tax consultancy firms we are partners with, will not only assist you in avoiding the pitfalls of manoeuvring through the tax jungle of international real estate investments, but also support you in finding new markets and business opportunities. If you need any further in-depth information on real estate investments, please feel free to contact us at
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