Temporary measures to support the business environment

by Florin Gherghel, Tax Manager Ensight Finance
Taking into consideration the major economic and social implications caused by the pandemic, the Ministry of Finance has published on its website several temporary measures in order to support the business environment (we do not know when / if these measures will be transposed in the Fiscal Code / Fiscal Procedure Code):
- The submission deadline of the tax returns is prorogued from 25.03.2020 to 25.04.2020
- The enforced collection of taxes is suspended / will not start
- VAT will be refunded in March for the issued VAT refund decisions
- A new VAT refund procedure will be implemented starting with 01.04.2020
- The tax audits are suspended, except for on-line tax reviews and tax evasion cases
- The payment deadline of local taxes due for 2020 (building tax, land tax, car tax) is prorogued from 31.03.2020 to 30.06.2020.
Separately from above, the Presidential Decree regarding the state of emergency in Romania was published in Official Gazette no. 212 as of 16.03.2020. Amongst the adopted measures, we mention the following:
- Art 33 of Annex 1 allows the home work for employees of private companies, through unilateral decision of the employer
- Art 31 of Annex 1 provides that, for economic sectors where the activity is affected or stopped partially / totally during the state of emergency, social protection measures are established for employees by the Labour Ministry (no such order has been issued yet).
For country-specific updates on the implications of COVID-19, please access this report prepared by the WTS Global experts.
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